Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Serve Him Well

But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to obey his commands, hold fast to Him and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul.

Joshua 22:5

We must serve the Lord well. God always gives us His best therefore we must ensure that we give Him our best and that we serve Him to the best of our ability.

If you find that your ability is limited then pray that God will increase your wisdom and knowledge and that He will order your steps according to His will and His ways.

Too many times do we just give God something quick and run. Stop and think about how are you serving God. Is it rushed, is it sincere, is it the best that you have to give Him?

Let's focus on giving God our best and serving Him well.

Be blessed!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Be Blessed

Love like you are blessed
Walk like you are blessed
Talk like you are blessed
Live like you are blessed
Because you are blessed!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Honest People Are Blessed

Psalm 112

1 Praise the Lord.
Blessed are those who fear the Lord,
who find great delight in his commands.

2 Their children will be mighty in the land;
the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches are in their houses,
and their righteousness endures forever.
4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.
5 Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,
who conduct their affairs with justice.

6 Surely the righteous will never be shaken;
they will be remembered forever.
7 They will have no fear of bad news;
their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
8 Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
9 They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor,
their righteousness endures forever;
their horn will be lifted high in honor.

10 The wicked will see and be vexed,
they will gnash their teeth and waste away;
the longings of the wicked will come to nothing

Isn't it great to know that there is a reason to be honest? God tells us in His word the importance of being honest, so let's treat people right, help somebody and love everybody!